digital photography

Photography Tips for your next Photo Walk Adventures

Going on a photo walk adventure ? Today we are talking about short easy tips on photography and gear to make your photography better! We take quick stroll through one of Clermont's best state parks; Ferndale Reserve in Clermont, Florida.

Whether you’re a pro or a newbie, going on a photo walk will influence you to go out and take more pictures.

Photo walks are essentially for toning your skills as a photographer or videographer, learning about yourself as a creative, and experiencing different places that will reset your daily routines. Being stuck in the “4 walls” of any place is not good for your creativity and your health, so I always encourage anyone I meet to take time to enjoy nature and walk in wonder.

Also take the time to meet new friends and make new rivals on these photowalks, it will benefit you having a healthy competitive relationship, you never know if this person will be helping you or you helping them on their project or they helping you.

Photo by Bryan Hernandez (@bryanhdz07)

Photo by Bryan Hernandez (@bryanhdz07)

Couple of tips for going on a photo walk start with these basics:

  • Know the place you are going by researching online, use google maps and social media, I would ask around. I myself when I get to a location, I scout and walk the location first, then I don’t even use my camera, but then coming back I start taking photos.

  • Choosing your camera gear is important; pack the essentials!, its like camping “you bring what you can carry”. Bring what is needed, like if its primes lenses then bring; like a wide lens (23mm). medium (50mm) or short telephoto (100mm macro) or a zoom lens with a constant aperture. these are just suggestions. A good tripod that is light is very nice (carbon fiber). Also spare batteries. ND filters and polarizers. lens cloths also are important. Plenty of water if you are in Florida. All these things that I have mentioned is just opinion based at the end of the day bring what you think its best and take note.

  • Capture what resonates with you and captures your eye. From a photographer’s frame of reference, immerse yourself in the environment and keep an eye out for anything that looks interesting and tells a story.

  • Last tip and most important learn to shoot on your own as well, hones those skills, these trip can be also be use for a time of self reflection.

photo by @bryanmgarces

photo by @bryanmgarces

Up your Phone Photography with some Apps

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”
Don McCullin

Sunset at the peer in Clearwater Beach, Florida - iPhone 7s - VSCO app

Sunset at the peer in Clearwater Beach, Florida - iPhone 7s - VSCO app

Portability is something everyone likes, heck I love having the ability to go portable, that is why your phone is the most versatile device that you have on your hands. When I'm on a short weekend trip, my go to camera is my phone. I'll tell a quick why, because sometimes when you are out with friends and family is just good to leave the big camera at home. Its time to take in the good times and snap a couple of memories for keep sake.

With Phone photography being so popular, we figured to help you ladies and gents out to improve your photography using your phone and some cool apps that we recommend.  So lets get down to business.

Marriot World Center Hotel - iPhone 7s - VSCO App

Marriot World Center Hotel - iPhone 7s - VSCO App

One of the awesome apps is the Sunseeker app, available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. This app lets you see the suns trajectory from sunrise to sunset. It lets you track the sun and time, especially for golden hour time. Sunseeker has a free 'Lite' version and a full version for $9 (it's also available for $6 for Android). This app can help influence your scheduling through out the day and make you more efficient while taking photos when you are out and about. 

Sunseeker provides a flat compass view and an  augmented reality 3-D view showing the solar path, its hour intervals, its equinox, winter and summer solstice paths, rise and set times, twilight times, magic hours and more and a map view showing…

Sunseeker provides a flat compass view and an  augmented reality 3-D view showing the solar path, its hour intervals, its equinox, winter and summer solstice paths, rise and set times, twilight times, magic hours and more and a map view showing solar direction for each daylight hour. Also includes sun-event device notifications plus a widget

Another great app is the VSCO app, this app is also available for the Android phone and the iPhone. This app lets you edit your photos like a pro. It has film emulation filters that let you gradually color grade your photos in your phone. VSCO is one amazing app that is a must to have in your phone apps.

The VSCO app (previously known as VSCO Cam) is a powerful all-in one camera, editing and photo sharing app, The camera includes advanced manual controls, and the photo editor has a wide selection of elegant film-like filters and essential adjustment…

The VSCO app (previously known as VSCO Cam) is a powerful all-in one camera, editing and photo sharing app, The camera includes advanced manual controls, and the photo editor has a wide selection of elegant film-like filters and essential adjustment tools.

Zellwood Florida Railroad- iPhone 7s - Adobe Lightroom Mobile App- VSCO

Zellwood Florida Railroad- iPhone 7s - Adobe Lightroom Mobile App- VSCO

Our last but not least is the Adobe Lightroom Mobile app for iPhone and Android is another great tool to edit your photos, plus if you the Adobe Creative Cloud service, you can sync the photos in your phone to your Adobe CC portal and have it synced in your laptop, tablet, and other devices.  If you have the Adobe CC account you don't need to buy the extra presets it just comes built in once you log in to the app with your Adobe CC account.

Adobe Lightroom CC for mobile is a free app that gives you a powerful, yet simple solution for capturing, editing and sharing your photos. And you can upgrade for premium features that give you precise control with seamless access across all your de…

Adobe Lightroom CC for mobile is a free app that gives you a powerful, yet simple solution for capturing, editing and sharing your photos. And you can upgrade for premium features that give you precise control with seamless access across all your devices – mobile, desktop and web.

Playa Isabella Puerto Rico, USA - Iphone 7s - Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile - VSCO

Playa Isabella Puerto Rico, USA - Iphone 7s - Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile - VSCO

Now that you know about these great apps, its time for you my friends to go out there to experiment and get creative. By all means use these app as tools, not just to apply a filter to your photo and its done. No, use the apps to really bring out the emotions in the colors of your photos, deliver the feels, and share the moment. Really put your thoughts into it and paint a piece of art to put on the wall. Challenge your selves to be creative and proficient on your photos.

Look out for our next post, if you would like us to make a post about a certain topic send us a message and let us know. Till next time! 

I want to take better photos, but I don't have a good camera (Inspirations)

"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”

― Henri Cartier-Bresson

Canon FTB QL and 50mm 1.4 SCC

Henri is right, your first 10,000 photos will be your worst, heck, they maybe so bad that you might want to give up photography all together.  But why give up? Is it because you do not have a good camera? I say keep grinding till you develop that eye. In the mean time, don't break your piggy banks savings. Stick to what you got and grow from there.

Now a days if you have phone, you also have camera is that simple. Especially if you have a phone that has been released from a year a go till now. But Bryan I want a camera because it has better dynamic range, and it has 245 Auto Focus points, or I need that new full frame camera because it can see at night. OK yes, all those nice bells and whistles are great. But do you really need them? especially when you are starting out on your photographs journey. All cameras are a supposed to be treated liked a tool and like all tools it needs someone to use them.

DSLR Cameras, SLR Cameras, film cameras and phone cameras alike dont have a sense of emotion, or they don't know composition. Its you behind the camera that can capture that moment and express what you want to say or show in your photo. 

Iphone 7S plenty of camera power

I'm done with the inspirations, lets get down to fun and business. So you want to take better photos, that is great! Its simple grab what you have and go out there and take photos. Thats it problem solved.

You just need to get out of your comfort zone and take photos. Find a challenge like for 7 days take black and white photos or take photos of things or objects of a certain color. Find what you like to take photos off, and go have fun and experiment. 

You have a phone camera! Awesome! Go out there and take photos with your camera phone, turn on your grid on your phone and learn how to follow the rule of thirds. Train that eye for composition and framing.  With your phone camera you can mod it and buy lenses for it. I like my Moment Lenses, they are awesome but they will run you a bit of money but its better than just buying a new camera altogether. I am not saying that you need to buy these lenses, im just saying they are the ones I prefer. There's lenses out there from LensBaby and PhotoJojo that you can check out, but you do get what you pay for, I'm just saying. 

Moment Lenses 18mm and 60mm

Moment Lenses 18mm and 60mm

iPhone 7s with Moment 18mm Lens

iPhone 7s with Moment 18mm Lens

Well I dont have a phone that has a camera. OK no problem, get a nice cheap camera like an old SLR camera or film camera. Some of them come with a kit lens. It can range from $20 dollars to maybe $300. Getting a film or slr camera will definitely will teach you not to go trigger happy and really think about your next shot since you only get 24 to 36 exposures on a 35mm film camera. The only down side that you will need to develop your film, if you are in Orlando, Florida there is a local store called Colonial Photo and Hobbie they will develop your film. Its a bit expensive if you only develop one canister of film but if you have many canisters its cheaper.

Canon FTB QL w/ 50mm F1.4 FD SSC

Canon FTB QL w/ 50mm F1.4 FD SSC

You can get also a nice decent DSLR or Mirrorless camera on craigslist, ebay or KEH. If you buy on Keh they sell legit, well taken care equipment, on ebay and craiglist you need to do your research. Yes, this is a bit moderate expensive option, but it will last you a great while. There's cameras that have WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities that will help you transfer your photos to your phone. With the Bluetooth or WIFI it can enable the phone to remotely release the shutter on your camera allowing the photographer to take photos wirelessly. Word of caution never leave your camera un attended.

Also these cameras like your phone camera lets your review the photos something that the SLR or Film camera can't do.

FUJI X-A2 Mirrorless Camera

FUJI X-A2 Mirrorless Camera

Each camera format has its pros and cons but that is something will cover on our next post. Keep and eye out for it. 

But for now I leave you my friends with this, whatever camera you need to use for your photography journey, make sure it does not break the bank, use what you have and keep taking photos. Make sure to use the following rules: the rules of thirds, the exposure triangle and the golden triangle for composition. With the more you go out there to practice and have fun; you will see that your will get better. 

If you have any questions or have a topic that you would like us to talk about let us know and we will post to help out. Sharing is caring. 

DSLR Photography Workshops

Many people think it is too complex to learn how to take great photographs. Or that they are not creative enough or that they need to have the “eye” for it. But that is just not true.

So, whether it's your first camera, or you're just looking to learn a new hobby or skill, the Garces Bros can help you get there where you want to be on your photography.

Our workshops are taught by experts and well knowledge individuals that love photography and film.

These workshops will teach you to build confidence using your camera’s settings.

We will begin on how to use your cameras Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO settings. These are photography fundamentals that you will never forget. As we progress we will move into composition, framing, lighting, and much more.

We also include with every one of our classes a free reference guide. The guide helps you practice and remember your settings for any camera that you choose to use in your travels, work, or hobby.

Get ready to learn on how take great photos and see the world through the viewfinder you are going to love what you learn – and how you will learn it.